Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Dining Preparation Appreciation

We are all so spoiled in home dining preparation with our futuristic kitchen. We don't appreciate the cooking ease that we have these days with our simple to use cooking appliances. Ridding the toil of getting wood and lighting a fire to a simple push of a button to toast a slice of bread or to make a great meal for fine dining.

Let's first, briefly look at the history of preparing for fine dining. Fire went from scorching meat to forging steel. Fire places in homes were handy for cooking but was very messy and very smoky. Everything tasted like charcoal. So Benjamin Franklin in the mid 1700's worked with the forged steel and invented the cast-iron wood stove. The future of cooking dinner was here. A whole array of cooking gadget ideas came from this stove like different size pots and pans, bent in half metal coat hanger toaster (they weren't painted in those days), and a kettle that whistled.

By the end of 1880's electricity started coming into homes, by 1930 most towns and cities had power. Well didn't that bring on the electrical appliance invention explosion. Future of dining had changed with electrical oven/stove combination, crude sparking toasters and the ice box (which just had a fan to circulate the cold). Fire insurance claims sky rocketed. Eventually other appliances such as clothes washers with the attached wooden ringer (all run by the same motor) and the black and white T.V. came onto the market.

From the 30's to early 1990's the future of cooking and dining with kitchen appliances has become safer (less fires) and better with extra gadgets added such as timers, lights, on/off buttons and heat adjusting knobs.

Then the 1990's computer technology was here. Didn't that spark up the imagination of electric appliance design....

Toasters - Defrost technology; reheat technology; bagel toast technology; high speed technology (40% faster).
Toaster Ovens - Microwave; Infrawave technology (50% faster, and asks for tin foil); convection technology.
Kettles - Boil/dry technology (shuts off automatically after boiling or when water level is low).
Refrigerators that make ice instead of ice making the refrigerator.

What's in store for future appliances to prepare fine dining meals....

- Wall mounted water kettles, another space saver.
- Microwave oven and LCD television combinations, a futuristic T.V. dinner.
- Toasters that toasts your bread between 2 panes of glass, literally right in plain view.
- Toasters that prints (burns) a picture onto your slice of bread. 12 by 12 pixel resolution of a Christmas tree or your Aunt Hagatha.

Future dining is going to change the look of the kitchen again, especially with these 2 items....

- Refrigerators which are internet enabled to give you an interactive message board, satellite radio and a digital picture frame. Also has a CD/DVD player, cell phone charger and it still makes ice.
- Floating salt and pepper shakers which are suspended in mid-air over a base plate using strong neodymium magnetic repulsion.

Were becoming more environmentally friendly in the future kitchen with dishwashers that have built-in sensors estimating how dirty the dishes are and allowing the appropriate time for the cleaning process and dispensing the right amount of soap for each load.

The preparation for fine dining at home (or cave) has come from building a fire, killing, skinning, gutting and throwing the hunk of meat onto hot rocks beside the roaring fire, to just pushing a button for roasting a turkey, to perhaps verbally ordering a microwave looking appliance in zapping you instantly from mid-air any dish you can imagine. We really have it easy these days in the art of home dining compared to even 50 years ago, which is not a long time. Yes, we are spoiled and should have more appreciation for the humble kitchen appliance.

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