Sunday, April 4, 2010

hypnotized by shiny objects We, like all other large mammals, are easily hypnotized by shiny objects. In addition to providing a valid rationale for prohibiting shooting deer caught in headlights, this biological proclivity goes a long way in explaining the popularity of television, movies, new cars, jewelry, toaster ovens, consumer economics in general and John mccain and Barack Obama – they're shiny and well-lit. But alas! Mass hypnosis only reinforces consensus trance – that condition in which we now see ourselves, that condition which causes us to see the lesser of two evils as good, that condition which prevented us from rising up en masse at the effrontery of the current administration, that administration which, while beginning preparations for ill-conceived and unnecessary wars, advised to "go shopping" – that condition that now finds us preparing to defy our inherited wisdom and sell our birthright for a mess of pottage.

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